19 07 18 00 bis 22 00. OBERDECK. SESSION. MICHAEL REINBOTH (Head of Compost Records / Compost Black Label / Compost Disco / Derwin Recordings, Drumpoet Community) “sophisticated mixture of electrifying disco, house, techno, soul, jazz” (DJ mag UK) “…top address where electronica meets musicality ” (US Magazin XLR8R ) […]
Daily Archives: Friday July 19th, 2013
19 07 18 00 bis 22 00. OBERDECK. SESSION. MICHAEL REINBOTH (Head of Compost Records / Compost Black Label / Compost Disco / Derwin Recordings, Drumpoet Community) “sophisticated mixture of electrifying disco, house, techno, soul, jazz” (DJ mag UK) “…top address where electronica meets musicality ” (US Magazin XLR8R ) […]